Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer Surgery, Breast cancer treatment, Breast Health, Reconstruction, Women's Health
Breast Cancer and Cancer Doctors I Follow, Respect and Admire
The breast cancer journey is complicated and emotionally fraught. It thrusts you into a new and terrifying world you never considered, let alone thought would happen to you. This is completely foreign territory — including the terminology your doctors are using. It’s…
Breast Cancer, Breast Health, Family, Flat Please, Friendship, Lifestyle, Self Care, Supporting a loved one
Exploring the Concept of Post-Traumatic Growth
Just like the progression through stages of grief. Everyone’s response to trauma is different. Some remain stuck, and struggle to move on. Others use that trauma as a catalyst for change. For the latter, it’s not called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),…
Busting Some Myths About Mammograms
I believe that mammograms are lifesaving tools in the fight against breast cancer. I have always been proactive about my health and participate in screening that is available to me, including regular mammograms and pap smears. Please note that breast cancer…
The story behind I WANT YOU TO KNOW
Life is a funny thing, full of collisions and intersections. A chance call to a woman named Jennie Dale, who is the Executive Director of Dense Breasts Canada, and the decision to have my good friend and colleague photographer Hilary Gauld…
How I Found My Breast Cancer
I have no family history of breast cancer. I am healthy. I do not have dense breasts. On paper, I did all the things right to prevent breast cancer from occurring. I eat well. I drink socially. I breastfed my children.…