Showing: 16 - 20 of 85 Articles
breast cancer

What NOT to say to a Work Colleague Who Has Been Diagnosed with Breast Cancer

When a colleague is diagnosed with breast cancer, the words we choose can either uplift or unintentionally wound. From well-meaning but hurtful questions to unsolicited advice, navigating these conversations requires sensitivity and understanding. Discover what not to say and how to truly support your colleague during this challenging time. Learn the importance of respecting boundaries, avoiding triggering topics, and offering genuine help. By fostering a compassionate workplace, we can create a sanctuary for those facing adversity, reminding them that they are first and foremost, a person, not just a cancer patient.

Cashmere group shot

The 2024 Cashmere Collection Stuns on the Runway While Raising Big Dollars for Breast Cancer

As a self-professed fashionista and breast cancer “rebel” I was enthralled by the 2024 Cashmere Collection show held yesterday in Toronto. Sponsored by Kruger Products, the makers of Cashmere bathroom tissue and founded in 2004, the Cashmere Collection is an ardent supporter of Canada’s fashion design community and the Breast Cancer cause. Many of the …


Breast cancer and lymphedema

I had never even heard of the word lymphedema before I found myself on my breast cancer journey. Now, because I’ve had lymph nodes removed and radiation to my left armpit (because two of those nodes had cancer in them), I’m at risk for this condition and will be for the rest of my life.  …

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