My isolating journey to a breast cancer diagnosis
Guest post by Alice Zhao My breast cancer journey began in a way that is familiar to many women—a routine mammogram that turned out to be anything but routine. However, on the journey from my mammogram to my breast cancer diagnosis,…
New photo essay portrays young women confronting breast cancer.
Rising incidence in women in their 20s and 30s, according to research. To mark Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, I am delighted to point you to this amazing photo essay by Dense Breasts Canada and award-winning photographer Hilary Gauld. NOT TOO YOUNG portrays…
Single parenting with metastatic breast cancer (MBC)
Guest post by Natalie Kwadrans It’s one thing to be a mom and a parent. To do these jobs while dealing with metastatic breast cancer, and as a single parent is one harsh dose of hard. I was over the moon…
Breast cancer, infertility, and pregnancy loss. This is my story.
A guest post by Emily Voreas My name is Emily. I have batted infertility, pregnancy loss and breast cancer. This is my story. I love to sing at the top of my lungs alongside my 2-year-old daughter. I play the guitar and…
Breast Cancer and the Benefits of Massage Therapy
Massage can be a terrific complementary therapy for those going through breast cancer, helping to alleviate stress, combat fatigue and even ease pain. I have a standing date with my massage therapist and found regular massage to be incredibly helpful when…