Before my diagnosis with breast cancer, the disease was for me — as it is for most people — a single thing. Very quickly after learning I had cancer, I discovered there are many breast cancer types and sub-types, and each has its terminology and acronyms. The complexity of breast cancer has removed the one-size-fits-all …
Breast Cancer
Why I Wrote My Book Flat Please, Hold the Shame
The entire AskEllyn brand began with my book FLAT PLEASE. Here’s the story behind the story. I was shattered when I received my diagnosis of breast cancer. It was something that happened to other women, not to me. In the four weeks I waited for my biopsy and surgical consult I estimate I lost close …
Welcome to the New AskEllyn
It’s time. After six months in the market, we’re excited to unveil the new home for AskEllyn. We’ve experienced tremendous response since we brought AskEllyn to market last October. With zero marketing investment to date, and through solely organic word of mouth, she has supported more than 15,000 interactions, with 38% of users having extended …
BRCA and More – Understanding Genetic Mutations and Breast Cancer
There are numerous genetic mutations associated with breast cancer. The exact number can vary depending on the criteria used to define these mutations. That said, the exact number of known mutations is not fixed. New mutations are continually being discovered through ongoing research. However, it is safe to say that there are hundreds of identified …
The story behind I WANT YOU TO KNOW
Life is a funny thing, full of collisions and intersections. A chance call to a woman named Jennie Dale, who is the Executive Director of Dense Breasts Canada, and the decision to have my good friend and colleague photographer Hilary Gauld document my journey during chemotherapy, led me to I WANT YOU TO KNOW, one …