Artificial Intelligence,  Breast Cancer,  Women's Health

Welcome to the New AskEllyn

It’s time. 

After six months in the market, we’re excited to unveil the new home for AskEllyn. We’ve experienced tremendous response since we brought AskEllyn to market last October. With zero marketing investment to date, and through solely organic word of mouth, she has supported more than 15,000 interactions, with 38% of users having extended conversations (the longest 48 minutes!) and we have never had a night since we launched where we have not supported interactions between 1 and 5 in the morning. 

What is AskEllyn? 

For those readers who have not had a chat with AskEllyn or who are unfamiliar with the technology and its purpose, here’s a recap.  AskEllyn is the world’s first conversational AI for those on the breast cancer journey, including those diagnosed, their family, their friends and their supporters. She was conceived in partnership with Gambit Technology with a distinct vision, ensuring it resonates with its users. Key features include:

Empathy at its core: AskEllyn will meet you where you are on the breast cancer journey. She listens, supports and empowers;

Informed wisdom:  AskEllyn is built on my own recent lived experience with breast cancer. She has the unique knowledge of someone who has undergone a biopsy, a diagnosis, a double mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiation and associated drug therapies;

Linguistic versatility: AskEllyn is capable of understanding and responding in a variety of languages including German, Italian, Spanish, Hindi, Persian, Mandarin and many more;

Healthcare-system friendly: AskEllyn is a member of the extended care team serving as a non-medical oncology patient navigator. She provides a layer of empathetic support that augments the clinical process, enhancing the patient experience from those early moments of initial diagnosis through to ongoing survivorship (see the real Ellyn’s recent fireside chat on the topic of empathy and AI with GE Healthcare’s Chief of Medical Oncology Dr. Illya Gipp (with a guest appearance from AskEllyn!); 

Privacy and confidentiality: AskEllyn requires no registration. She collects no personal data. Use her as your confidante. She’ll never tell.

Free: It is our commitment that AskEllyn will be always free forever for those who need her most. 

“Creating AskEllyn was about merging technical excellence with deep empathy. Every feature, from linguistic versatility to its empathetic responses, was designed to ensure that AskEllyn transcends being just a tool—it’s a genuine companion for those on the breast cancer journey,” says Christian Silivestru, CTO of Gambit Technologies, who spearheaded the development of AskEllyn.

What’s New

With this new website home, in addition to offering you the ability to access’s knowledge and wisdom through embedded AskEllyn,; you will find new information and features including: 

The AskEllyn Blog – Ellyn continues the narrative set out in her book FLAT PLEASE providing advice, support and wisdom for those diagnosed and living with breast cancer and to their surrounding loved ones who want to provide empathetic support. Read now or Sign up for our newsletter to receive blog updates.

Ellyn’s Book – FLAT PLEASE, Hold the Shame is a bestseller and the perfect girlfriend’s companion guide for someone you love who has been diagnosed and a handy resource for anyone trying to understand the emotional journey that comes with a breast cancer diagnosis. Pick up your copy on Amazon, and if you like it, don’t forget to leave a review!   Here’s what one recent reader had to say: 

“Ellyn has written an incredibly relatable book that needs to be read by those newly diagnosed, in the midst of treatment, finished with it or even a spouse or caregiver that is trying to understand what their partner or dear friend is going through. It’s real, raw, optimistic and a beautiful journey of a remarkable woman. Regardless if your path takes you to choose Aesthetic Flat closure or reconstruction, it’s about being heard, having a voice, and knowing your options.”

Donate – In our commitment to keep AskEllyn free forever for all who need her most, we have added a donate button, which allows you and others to “pay it forward” by providing us with financial support we need as a non-profit to help others around the world who find themselves on the breast cancer journey. 

Brand Partnerships – We are launching a new partnership program where selected value-aligned brands can join us in sharing our #AIforGood message and in supporting our mission to bring AskEllyn to the world so that no one diagnosed ever walks alone. Contact us for more details

Ellyn Live – The “real” Ellyn is a dynamic and in-demand speaker on topics related to women’s health, empowerment and wellness and on finding purpose in diagnosis. Consider booking her for your next conference, keynote or panel. Contact us for pricing.

COMING SOON The AskEllyn Podcast – stay tuned, and tune in. We are brewing up some fun conversations.

Ellyn Winters-Robinson is a breast cancer survivor, entrepreneur, author, in-demand speaker, women’s health advocate, professional communicator and a globally recognized health rebel. Ellyn's best-selling book "Flat Please Hold the Shame," is a girlfriend’s companion guide for those on the breast cancer journey. She is also the co-creator of, the world’s first conversational AI companion for those on the breast cancer journey. With Dense Breasts Canada and award-winning photographer Hilary Gauld, Ellyn also co-produced I WANT YOU TO KNOW, a celebrated photo essay showing the diverse faces and stories of 31 individuals on the breast cancer journey. Ellyn’s story and have been featured in People Magazine, Chatelaine Magazine, the Globe and Mail, CTV National News and Your Morning, and Fast Company.

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