Welcome to the New AskEllyn
It’s time. After six months in the market, we’re excited to unveil the new home for AskEllyn. We’ve experienced tremendous response since we brought AskEllyn to market last October. With zero marketing investment to date, and through solely organic word of…
Understanding Your Breast Cancer Risk and the Gail Model for Risk Assessment
I believe that when it comes to breast cancer and knowing your risks, knowledge truly is power. Let’s talk about the GAIL Model of Risk Assessment and why it matters. Let’s start with a story that made headlines recently. You might…
Harnessing Artificial Intelligence: Empowering Clinicians to Detect Breast Cancer Early
Breast cancer is a formidable adversary, affecting 2.3 million women worldwide each year. Early detection is paramount for successful treatment and improved outcomes. However, the efficacy of traditional breast imaging methods, such as mammography, can sometimes be hindered by limitations in…
Can Conversational Care Improve the Patient Experience?
The rollercoaster of emotions following a cancer diagnosis is overwhelming. I spent the first four weeks after hearing I had cancer crumpled on the floor, crippled by anxiety. It eventually got me thinking, what if a form of conversational care, incorporating the…