Breast Cancer and the Benefits of Massage Therapy
Massage can be a terrific complementary therapy for those going through breast cancer, helping to alleviate stress, combat fatigue and even ease pain. I have a standing date with my massage therapist and found regular massage to be incredibly helpful when…
Navigating Weight Loss and a Breast Cancer Diagnosis
Guest blog by Jenny Borgfjord Being a Loser Ain’t All Bad When I first embarked on my weight loss journey with the Livy Method on April 24, 2023, I had no idea how much it would transform my life during one…
Here are My Beauty and Skincare Favorites Right Now
I’m no beauty. I’m a 59-year-old mother and (yes) grandmother, but I do care about how I present myself to the world, and I do have some favorite beauty and skincare products I’m loving right now for skin and body. Haircare…
How I am Using Somatic Movement to Release Trauma
A breast cancer diagnosis is a traumatic event. I have written about that topic here in other posts. I have recently discovered somatic movement as a way to release that trauma and it has been a game changer. A somatic movement…
What does fitness look like after a breast cancer diagnosis?
Full confession, I’m a fitness nut. I have worked out almost daily for years. It is not just a physical thing for me. It’s vital for my mental health. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer I took to Google (never…