A dear friend has just shared the news of their breast cancer diagnosis. Your heart aches and your mind swirls as you grapple with this sudden reality. As their confidante and supporter, you may find yourself wondering, “What next? And, how can I help?” Firstly, providing a listening ear is invaluable. She is likely in …
Mental Health
Coping the Emotions of Others During a Breast Cancer Diagnosis
Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis is a life-altering event, not just for the individual coping with diagnosis but also for their loved ones. Coping with your feelings is hard enough, but understanding and managing the emotions of others can greatly influence your support system and journey through treatment and recovery. It is crucial to acknowledge …
Dealing with the Loss of Control that Comes with a Breast Cancer Diagnosis
Living with a breast cancer diagnosis is complex, and surreal. With it comes an inevitable loss of control. The experience, as I’ve discovered, can feel like navigating through unknown territory without a map. You suddenly find yourself in the driver’s seat of a confusing medical journey and you’re asked to make crucial decisions in a …
Managing the Anxiety that Comes with a Breast Cancer Diagnosis
The landscape of life shifts tremendously after a breast cancer diagnosis. The reality is stark and the journey sprawling, feeling as though you have walked into a marathon without a warm-up. You find yourself standing on the edge of an uncontrollable situation and information. Among the many facets of this mammoth experience, the management of …