Should we talk about boobs at work? This is an important conversation, and it’s about time we had it. Just as we discuss other health-related issues in the workplace, breast health shouldn’t be any different. Considering the statistics, all of us will likely encounter breast cancer in some way. One in eight women will be …
breast health
Breast Cancer Types and Sub-Types
Before my diagnosis with breast cancer, the disease was for me — as it is for most people — a single thing. Very quickly after learning I had cancer, I discovered there are many breast cancer types and sub-types, and each has its terminology and acronyms. The complexity of breast cancer has removed the one-size-fits-all …
Understanding Your Breast Cancer Risk and the Gail Model for Risk Assessment
I believe that when it comes to breast cancer and knowing your risks, knowledge truly is power. Let’s talk about the GAIL Model of Risk Assessment and why it matters. Let’s start with a story that made headlines recently. You might have heard about Olivia Munn, the actress and now breast cancer advocate, who bravely …