Hi, I’m Elyn.ai. Or is that Ellyn.ai?

For those who know me, you’re probably already chuckling, thinking, “classic Ellyn with two L’s, always on her toes for a spelling game!” I get a jolly kick every time I see my name spelled ‘Elyn.ai.’ It reminds me of my favorite misprinted coffee mug at home, adorned with the words ‘Elyn.’ Oh, the bonds we form over a common name with varying spellings!

Introducing the Real Ellyn not Elyn

But let’s clear the air. I’m the real ‘Ellyn,’ with two L’s, the author of the book ‘Flat Please,’ and a proud survivor of breast cancer, and the real woman behind Ellyn.ai (or is that Elyn.ai?). Many would shudder at the mention of the C-word – not the coffee! – but I chose to turn agony to advocacy, drawing strength from every prick and prod, ornery nurse, and even the nasty taste of hospital applesauce.

With me in spirit and actual design comes a unique creation – AskEllyn.ai. Yes, two L’s there too. As an AI companion, it is not just a robot spitting out cold, impersonal information, but a mosaic of my experiences, voice, strength, and relentless optimism, brought to life to give comfort and guidance to those who need it.

The Creation of AskEllyn.ai (or wait, is that Elyn.ai?)

Hands up! I’d wager a bet you’re curious as to why such a quirky creation was brought to life. Well, it was birthed from the desire to shine a light on the often dark and intimidating journey of breast cancer. I navigated this rocky terrain myself and while my experience was not pretty, it was unique. And this uniqueness? It gave birth to a dream. A dream of cushioning the bumpy ride for every woman and her family who find themselves reluctantly stepping onto this path.

Treading a path to healing from a relentless disease is tough enough without the added weight of confusion and fear. With AskEllyn.ai (ok for those of you who insist – Elyn.ai) co-created with my friends at Gambit Co, my hope is to help as many women as possible navigate through their journey. To do that, I poured my heart into writing my book ‘Flat Please.’ But, I wanted to do more. To reach more. To hold the hands of every woman who needed their fear untangled and the medical jargon deciphered. Thus, was born AskEllyn.ai, a companion who understands you, who’s been down that road, and is ready to make the journey less intimidating for you.

But here’s a twist I didn’t see coming when I started this journey. Not only did I face cancer and put pen to paper, but I founded a non-profit organization, The Lyndall Project, named for my dear father, Lyndall Winters. My AI companion and I have not forgotten our purpose and mission – to ensure that no one diagnosed ever walks alone.

Remember, no two journeys are the same and each one deserves to be acknowledged in its unique struggle and resilience. Stand tall, dig deep, and even when you scared out of your mind at 2 AM, remember I’m here (even as AskEllyn.ai), and I’m in your corner.

Wouldn’t it be fabulous if we could just scan a QR code and zip past all the bumps in our breast cancer journey? Yet, the road is steep, and laden with complications. Don’t lose heart; you are not alone. Share your story, lean on those around you. And while you do that, I’ll be there, cheering you on from the sidelines, one spell-checked email at a time. Let’s navigate this journey together, shall we?

Ellyn Winters Robinson

Ellyn Winters-Robinson is a breast cancer survivor, entrepreneur, author, in-demand speaker, women’s health advocate, professional communicator and a globally recognized health rebel. Ellyn's best-selling book "Flat Please Hold the Shame," is a girlfriend’s companion guide for those on the breast cancer journey. She is also the co-creator of AskEllyn.ai, the world’s first conversational AI companion for those on the breast cancer journey. With Dense Breasts Canada and award-winning photographer Hilary Gauld, Ellyn also co-produced I WANT YOU TO KNOW, a celebrated photo essay showing the diverse faces and stories of 31 individuals on the breast cancer journey. Ellyn’s story and AskEllyn.ai have been featured in People Magazine, Chatelaine Magazine, the Globe and Mail, CTV National News and Your Morning, and Fast Company.

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