About AskEllyn.ai

AskEllyn's creators

How it Began

AskEllyn.ai was inspired during a chance encounter between Ellyn and fellow Waterloo tech entrepreneur Pat Belliveau.

After hearing Ellyn tell her breast cancer story, Pat asked to read the manuscript of her book Flat Please, a girlfriend’s companion guide written to offer wisdom and knowledge to others on the breast cancer journey.
Sparks of inspiration began to fly. He saw the opportunity to transform the content of the book into a powerful conversational AI that could be a shining example of AI for Good. It would be authentically true to Ellyn’s voice and realize her ambition to ensure those diagnosed with breast cancer would never feel alone or ashamed of their diagnosis.
In a mere three weeks, Pat had a working model of the conversational AI up and running. He then recruited two close friends, marketing pro Ryan Burgio and software developer Christian Silvestru to the AskEllyn project, which is the flagship solution of the trio’s new benevolent AI for Good’s venture, called Gambit Technologies.
The team have become fast allies, united by a shared desire to do good for the world and leave a meaningful legacy.
AskEllyn is a powerful start. But it is just the beginning. As a platform for change, AskEllyn is now the world’s first conversational AI for those on the breast cancer journey and their loved ones, offering wisdom, support and hope to those dealing with a diagnosis. 

The AskEllyn.ai Brand Platform 

The AskEllyn brand now includes Ellyn’s book Flat Please, AskEllyn.ai, Ellyn’s blog and live appearances by Ellyn at conferences and on stages. 

Read Ellyn's book

Funny, dark, uplifting, real and packed with practical, curated wisdom, FLAT PLEASE is a love letter to other women who find themselves on the breast cancer journey.

Have Ellyn speak at your next event

Ellyn is available for key note presentations, conference appearances and panel discussions.