Showing: 16 - 18 of 18 Articles
Are you ok?

Medical Gaslighting and Women’s Health – a Breast Cancer “Rebel” Speaks Up 

Many of us instinctively turn to medical professionals when we encounter health problems, entrusting them with physical, emotional and mental health well-being. Unfortunately, there can be a hidden struggle that is rarely exposed. It’s called medical gaslighting and its a struggle that arises when medical practitioners dismiss or minimize the concerns of patients, particularly women. …

Cancer survival

Advocating for Yourself During Breast Cancer

Every woman’s journey with breast cancer is unique, much like a fingerprint, no two are the same. From the moment of diagnosis, there’s an overwhelming surge of emotions – anxiety, fear, bewilderment. Many of these sentiments originate from feeling a loss of control, feeling at the mercy of a relentless healthcare system. Despite the terrifying …

Ellyn in a backless dress

Do We Need Breasts to Feel Feminine? 

While it’s true that many women associate their breasts with their womanhood and deeply value them as a part of their femininity, it’s also true that not all of us feel this way. Breast cancer clarified this for me, in a stark and surreal fashion. The disease, insidious and grand, stripped me of what society …