Showing: 6 - 9 of 9 Articles
breast cancer deaths

Breast Cancer Deaths Globally to Reach 3M+ by 2040

The Lancet’s Breast Cancer Commission, published on April 15, 2024, predicts that by 2040, the global incidence of new cases of breast cancer will be more than 3 million per year, with the greatest rise of breast cancer deaths globally in low-income and middle-income countries. Currently, there are 2.3M women globally diagnosed with the disease. …


Is a breast cancer diagnosis trauma?

I remember the feeling well. I banged the gong. Radiation, the last leg of active treatment was done. And yet, I was incredibly emotional and at loose ends. The trauma is real. And what you are feeling is valid. It is called a cancer hangover.  From the moment my doctor spoke the words “I am …


Nurturing Your Skin During Chemotherapy

Let’s talk about something super important: self-care during chemotherapy. If you or a loved one is undergoing chemo, you know firsthand the toll it can take on your body and mind. One aspect that often gets overlooked is skincare. Yep, that’s right – your skin needs some extra TLC during this time. More than 80% …

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