Showing: 6 - 10 of 17 Articles
double mastectomy

Why I Chose a Double Mastectomy and Why Research Can Work Against Us 

One breast or two? New research coming out of Toronto’s Women’s College Hospital Research and Innovation Institute, challenges the perceived benefits of a double mastectomy for patients with unilateral breast cancer. The research, published in JAMA Oncology, followed 108,084 breast cancer patients over 20 years. It found that while bilateral mastectomy significantly reduces the risk …

Breast Cancer Doctors I Follow, Respect and Admire

The breast cancer journey is complicated and emotionally fraught. It thrusts you into a new and terrifying world you never considered, let alone thought would happen to you. This is completely foreign territory — including the terminology your breast cancer doctors are using. It’s hard to think and process what you are being told, let alone …

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