Showing: 1 - 5 of 16 Articles

Breasts Not Included and Breasts Not Required Celebrate Women’s Decisions to Choose Aesthetic Flat Closure After Mastectomy 

A guest blog by Hannah Sullivan I chose aesthetic flat closure after my mastectomy. Through the lens of the camera, I have explored my and other women’s decisions to remain flat. I don’t grieve the loss of my breasts. I don’t grieve the biopsies, lumpectomies, mammograms, ultrasounds, MRIs, follow-up appointments, or anxiety while waiting for …


Breast cancer and lymphedema

I had never even heard of the word lymphedema before I found myself on my breast cancer journey. Now, because I’ve had lymph nodes removed and radiation to my left armpit (because two of those nodes had cancer in them), I’m at risk for this condition and will be for the rest of my life.  …

double mastectomy

Why I Chose a Double Mastectomy and Why Research Can Work Against Us 

One breast or two? New research coming out of Toronto’s Women’s College Hospital Research and Innovation Institute, challenges the perceived benefits of a double mastectomy for patients with unilateral breast cancer. The research, published in JAMA Oncology, followed 108,084 breast cancer patients over 20 years. It found that while bilateral mastectomy significantly reduces the risk …

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